Waupun Drift Jumpers Meeting
September 21st, 2020 Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
@ the Chester Town Hall
Lunch at 7:00 p.m.
Hello Everyone! Yes, it is meeting time! The Board of Directors has agreed to hold a meeting in light of the current situation. We are inviting you to join us! It is your decision to attend, social distance and wear a mask, in any case we hope you will attend. We will be serving frozen pizza (cooked of course) this year instead of our normal tradition of having pizza delivered in. Events of the evening: we will be holding the elections of the Vice President, Treasurer and 3 Board of directors positions. So please attend and exercise your right as a member to vote! If you are not a member you are welcome to join. We will have membership forms available there. Note there is one attached for you to fill out and either bring to the meeting or mail to us. You can also open an account on the clubs new website at www.waupundriftjumpers,org and fill out and pay for your membership renewal right there at your finger tips. It is really quite simple! A few of you have already renewed on the website. Thanks! Once I receive your renewal notice I have to get it to the AWSC and once I do that, You can log on to the AWSC website to start the process to get your trail passes. Keep in mind I will not have time to enter one or two every day BUT I will enter them at least once a week provided there are more than just a couple. I will be entering renewals for the first time this season a day or so after Monday nights meeting. You can check the AWSC website at any time to see if your renewal has been processed. If you login in there click on the Membership Inquiry in the QUICK LINKS section. You can then search either by your member number or your name. Our club is known by the AWSC as “Drift Jumpers SC” If you do not see the “Membership is no longer active” you are able to move on to purchase your discounted trail passes. Other items we may touch on are trails, current financial standing of the club and more. Hope to see you there!
Butch Guenther, Secretary