Minutes of the September 21st, 2020 Meeting
Call to order: President Rich VanBuren called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. There were 13 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s report of the minutes of the March 16th club meeting President Rich indicated they will stand as read.
Treasurer’s Report: NBW Checking beginning balance is $13,501.11. The entries were read leading to the ending balance of $751.41. The NBW savings account beginning balance is $13,607.32. The entries were read leading to the ending balance of $18,966.92. It was noted that we paid $20,000.00 of on the groomers this summer. Above and beyond the Scheduled June payment. $63,116.00 Loan balance. Expecting $8145.17 FROM Dodge County yet. Bills were read and a motion was made (Davey) and seconded (Tim) to pay the bills. The motion carried. There are approximately 15 memberships to date.
Fond du lac County Report: The FDL County meeting was held Tuesday 8th. No one represented the club. See attached notes.
Dodge County Report: The DCASC Meeting was held Tuesday 8th at The Rock River Tap. Butch Guenther represented the Club. See attached notes.
Old Business: Waupun Truck-n Show $14,633.93. A 2 day event with approximately 25 helpers. Super Pull $8,512.50. 12 people were there to help over 16 hour event. For the size of the club we had a very small # of volunteers but had a very large income. We sold out of EVERYTHING. 300 hotdogs, 90 # Spanish hamburger, 81# sliced ham, it got to the point after numerous extra runs to Brandon meats and Piggly Wiggly, that we even sold 2 slices on cheese on a bun because people were still hungry and that is all we had. People were understanding and waited in line patiently. We sold 100 30 packs of beer! A big thanks to all who donated their time! It was commented that this pull is growing. The track is very desirable and people want to pull in Waupun. This has the potential to be a 2 or even 3 day event. Website- Butch will get a report from the counters at the website on visits. There have been 4 or 5 members already use the website to renew their memberships.
New Business: Elections Nominations were opened Steve Sperger was on the slate for VP. Butch Guenther Motioned to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Steve Sperger for the Vice President. Greg Holz seconded. Motion passed. Nominations were opened for the Treasurer position Wanda VanBuren is the only one on the slate. Butch Guenther motioned to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot for Wanda VanBuren to be elected as the Treasurer. Greg Holz seconded. Motion passed. Nominations were opened for the 3 Board of Directors positions. The slate was read: Ron Moeller John Devries, Davey VandeZande, AJ VanBuren and Andy Sperger declined their nominations. Butch Guenther motioned to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot for Ron Moeller, John DeVries and Davey VandeZande as the 3 Board of Directors. It was seconded by Chad Riter. The motion passed. Landowner gifts were ordered. Butch will get Brat fry coupons for the landowners printed and to those who hand them out. Chad Riter reported that they are in the process of forming a new ATV club in Alto called the Country Roads ATV club. The town of Alto is planning to approve ATV operation on certain town roads. Start planning for the Winter Jam on February 27th, 2021
Thanks: to the club for buying pizza’s
Adjourn: A motion was made (?) and seconded (?) to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. The motion carried.