October 2020 Newsletter

Drift Jumpers Meeting
Monday October 19th, 2020
7:30 p.m. at the Chester Town Hall
Food at 7:00 p.m.
After 2 consecutive wet falls we as snowmobilers should be happy that harvest is well under way. Why you ask? Because it gives all of us who volunteer to go out and ask landowners for permission to allow us to run snowmobile trails to cross their land. Then we have to plan the actual route based on going around critical crops, then we have to go out and pound in each and every trail blazer, informational sign and safety sign. We also have to go through the fields with a cultimulcher to prep the soil, so the snow has a level base to start with. This past Saturday we cleaned and serviced our groomers. They are ready for snow. So, as you can see there is a lot of work ahead of us! We hope that amid this COVID “crisis” you, our members, can find some time to offer to the club—more importantly the trails. Remember much of this happens in the outdoors so if you have concerns about COVID19 it is much easier to “Stay Safe.” Some of the forecasts are looking like it could be a great snowmobiling year! Next, we have had a number of members use the new website to renew their membership. We hope you check it out! It is relatively easy to do. The sooner you get renewed the sooner you can purchase your trail passes for a discount! You can get them online at www.AWSC.org. It will also help be sure you don’t miss an issue of the Wisconsin Snowmobile News. As far as club events go, here are our tentative plans: Nov. 20th and 21st brat fry at Mike’s Wild Boar Liquor Store in Waupun 10:00 a.m. to about 4 p.m. Depending on restrictions due to COVID our plans for the Holiday parade and a club Christmas Party will be discussed. February 27th, 2021, we are looking to have the Winter Jam at The Rock Golf Club. AND hopefully there will be plenty of snow for wiener roasts near the County Park and maybe have a club ride or two. As you can see there will be a lot going on, please volunteer!
Check out our Web Page at waupundriftjumpers.org and our Face book page! If you find there are problems with our web page or if you have suggestions please let us know! We are new to it too! We discussed sending the meeting minutes out to you our members and due to the virus we decided to do that. In the past we had hoped that the members would attend meeting to see what the club is doing. We sure do hope that once the environment we are living in changes, that we will see many more of you at the meetings. We want to remind all of you that the Waupun Drift Jumpers is a group of snowmobiling enthusiasts and we try to do what the “group” wants. Please attend the meetings, or send us your comments/thoughts/ideas. This will help us make decisions that are indicative of what the majority of the group would like.
Get your membership renewed, volunteer to help and hope to see you at the meeting!
Butch Guenther, Secretary
