Waupun Drift Jumpers Meeting
November 16th, 2020
7:30 pm @ Chester Town Hall
Food @ 7:00 p.m.
Well what a difference from last year!! A very helpful Mother Nature Allowing for a faster than normal harvest (although it is pouring out with thunder and lightning as I write this.) Some areas are mowed, some land has had fall tillage performed on it so soon we should be able to start putting in signs. Monday November 18th is our next club meeting. Some of the biggest topics are that trails still need to be put in, members need to renew their membership soon in order to get your discounted trail pass from the AWSC. Some events coming up are as follows: Friday and Saturday (Nov. 20th and 21st) the club will be having a fundraising brat fry at Mikes Wild Boar Liquor Store in Waupun. We are looking for helpers to cook and sell the brats/burgers. If you are a deer hunter, stop by to pick up some lunch! We MAY to have the Tucker, Pisten Bully, and the 2 drags there. This is an opportunity to get our drags out for the public to see who is supporting the club by advertising on the drag. It will start at about 10 A.M. and go until the food is gone or about 5-6 P.M. We will not be partaking in the Waupun Parade this year as it is the 20th which is the Friday night of our Brat fry.
Due to COVID we have not made any plans for a Club Christmas party.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR MEMBERSHIP IS CURRENT. We have had almost 50% of our membership renew already! Many have renewed on our website (yes you can do that as well as pay your dues or even make donations should you feel so inclined.) We have also had several NEW members join via the website (Welcome to the Drift Jumpers by the way!) If you have sent in your membership, please be patient at this time of the year we are only submitting to the AWSC every 2 weeks or so. If we get larger numbers of memberships submitted, we will send them in more frequently. For example: last week I entered 13 memberships, within the next few days I had received a few more. Since we are close to the meeting, I will wait to get the ones turned in that night. We also check the clubs P.O. Box at least 1 time per week and often times more. Please notify us if you are a member from another club, you must also let us know what club you are a primary member from that way one of the clubs will not add you to the AWSC roster which will prevent you from getting doubled up on AWSC mailings.
We are working on the date for our Winter Jam! We are anticipating that it will be at the Bridges at The Rock. Come to the meeting to sign up for trail installation and also get more information regarding the Winter Jam, Cash Raffle, DCASC calendar Raffle, other trail installation info, Brat Fry AND MORE! Follow us on Facebook! I am working on the website to get it as current as we can get it; he web address is www.waupundriftjumpers.org please let me know of corrections, ideas, and changes, by using the “Contact Us” tab on the website. At the last meeting the members voted to pay for a new website. It is currently under construction. For those of you who have renewed your membership, we have your AWSC membership cards ready to pick up at the meeting if you have renewed recently. If you are not able to attend the meeting your cards will be mailed out to you…that may take a couple weeks to get to you. But remember your AWSC #’s are on your WSN magazine label AND you can visit the AWSC website to find your AWSC Membership # as well as your membership status.
Thank you!
See you at the meeting!!
Butch Guenther, Secretary.